How To Stick to Your Healthy Lifestyle Plan When Life Gets too Busy

I just got off of the phone with a client who said ( in a deep, factual voice)“I can’t focus on my fat loss goals because I’m too busy with work!” 

I listened with empathy and then talked him off of the ledge. There’s no quitting for him today simply because life got “busy.” We made a few adjustments to his plan and I KNOW he will continue to succeed despite his work demands!

Many of us tend to think of goals (and many things in life) as all-or-nothing or in black-and-white terms–a linear thinking loophole. Some clients mistakenly feel that one area in their lives is so dominant that they can’t cook a healthy meal, plan for a healthy lunch, meditate or “fit- in” gym time because their schedules are jammed packed with responsibilities.

Over my many years of working with clients, I’ve seen people who have a 75- hour work week with family responsibilities who easily reached their health goals; and I’ve seen people who don’t work at all with minimal “other” responsibilities who never reach theirs.

I’m here to tell you that it is possible to juggle responsibilities with the right shift in mindset and an unwavering plan.

The solution is to create a routine and a plan that will help you manage priorities AND time.

Life is busy so it’s important to start your day with a goal reminder, an affirmation about your daily choices and a small list of daily victories that when reached, will help you realize that you are getting closer and closer to reaching your goals.  It’s about recording, emphasizing and calibrating expectations, rather than getting into a “false choice” trap, where you think you have to choose either for or against your own health. 

I am a fan of Robin Sharma’s The 5 AM Club, which means I wake up every morning at 4:45 am, I drink a cup of coffee, exercise for 20-30 minutes, meditate for 20 minutes then set daily goals and read something inspiring for 20 minutes. By 6:00am I’ve already accomplished most of my healthy habit goals with no distractions. I start my day at 6:00 am, making lunches for the family, showering and getting everyone off to school before getting down to work. It’s a beautiful routine, one rooted in discipline and self-worth. Sharma’s philosophy is that when you start your day right, you can accomplish anything and in my personal experience he is 100% right! I may lose an hour of sleep but getting up at that hour allows me to accomplish most of my healthy living goals BEFORE anything happens that can distract me. Note: per my recommendation, 90% of my clients also follow the 5:00 AM routine.

The truth of the matter is that we all have to make time for healthy lifestyles. Weight lsss and improving your health does not have to dominate your time, but you need to fit them in everyday. I encourage you to look at your day and schedule the time needed to achieve your goals. Does early morning, lunch time or evening work best? Think about a time of day when there is nobody around that can distract you from doing what you need to do.

When you start a lifestyle change, know that you will always be presented with challenges. Before you start your program, it’s important that you commit to a plan of action in case life throws you a curveball. Choose not to allow other people, frustrations and stumbles to diminish your glory, stifle your invincibility and choke the unlimited potential that lurks within you. In a world that seeks to keep you down, create a smart plan ahead of time, one that works for your daily schedule and during a time when you know you will be free of distractions. For me, the only way I get in my healthy habits is to get up before the rest of my family does. There are no distractions at 5:00 in the morning and therefore no excuses. 

Remember, to be the champion of your life, a warrior of your growth and the guardian of your health and wellbeing, you must establish a routine and a plan that is unbreakable. You must accept life’s challenges as they are presented to you, thank them for being there and then continue striving towards your own ultimate health goals.

Always step into your own power. Nothing can stop you if you don’t allow them to!

If you are reading this and saying “I know but I can’t,” perhaps it’s time you found a coach to help you on your road to success! Contact me today to learn more!