Cooking with Kids

pea monster

Cooking with Kids: It’s Educational

All the pretty pyramids on the wall and lectures on how carrots are good for your eyes won’t turn your kids onto good food. What kids need is to get their hands dirty. With a little enthusiasm and a willingness to make a little mess, it’s easy to get them involved in the kitchen. Show them how food connects to everyday experiences: call it art or science if you wish. These titles are true and make it fun and interesting.

Currently, I have two kitchen helpers: Spud and Stew. As soon as they see me in the kitchen, they both drag chairs over to the counter and ask how they can help. This afternoon, it was shucking peas. We peeled open the farm fresh peas and made art at the same time! A few even made it into their mouths. I find that they actually eat more new and healthy food as we prepare them then when I just serve it to them on a plate.

My little kitchen artists are also learning new skills like, measuring, weighing, telling time and counting. They are fascinated at how food changes as it’s cooking. For example, why did tonight’s pizza dough rise after we left it out on the counter? It’s science! It’s magic! It’s an opportunity to have fun while learning a variety of skills! Call it what you like, I call it fun.

If your up for really getting into cooking with your kids, I suggest that you check out Annabel Karmel, ( She has some fantastic cookbooks and ideas on cooking with kids!

Note: Picture above by Peanut: It’s a Penguin; Picture below by Spud: It’s a person

pea person