Before taking medication, consider questioning EVERYTHING

Last month a bright red rash popped up on my forehead. After it decided to stick around for a month, I thought it was time to go see my dermatologist to see what might be going on. My appointment was quick and the conversation went something like this:

Good morning! Tell me what’s going on.” My Dr. said as she sat down on a stool.

I had a rash pop up on my forehead about a month ago. I’m not sure what it is so I thought I’d get it looked at by you.” I said.

My, it’s red. I’m going to prescribe an antibiotic.” She said while still sitting on her stool across the room.

Ok, so what exactly will the antibiotic be treating? What’s on my forehead?” I inquired politely.

She responded by saying “don’t worry about the antibiotic messing with your gut. It’s a mild one.”

Ok, I’m not worried about my gut. Please tell me what type of antibiotic it is and what exactly is on my forehead.” I said.

I’m not sure what’s on your forehead. We will start with this antibiotic and if it isn’t gone in 4 weeks, I will prescribe something stronger.” And with that she handed me a prescription and left the room.

I sat there feeling bewildered. My Dr. (who is amazing when it comes to scanning my body for skin cancer) just told me three things:

  1. She has no idea what’s on my forehead and she isn’t interested in finding out.
  2. The only course of treatment for my mystery rash is a “mild” antibiotic.
  3. If the “mild” one doesn’t work, she will prescribe something stronger.

Needless to say, I left the appointment disappointed. What a waste of time. I went home, meditated on it, stopped drinking red wine, started adding chlorophyl to my water and an immune -boosting- herbal -combination from Solle instead. Three days later the rash disappeared. 

Every time I drink red wine it comes back. Guess I’ll stop drinking red wine for now. No antibiotic needed. This experience saddened me and reaffirmed my belief that drug company’s influence Dr.’s decisions. Why are medical professionals so quick to write a prescription instead of getting the root cause of the problem? 

Is it because they have a large plate of cookies sitting in the office as a thank you from their drug representative? 

Do Dr.’s know (or even care to know) that:

In my experience, it’s important to read labels! Drugs are loaded with negative side-effects while natural remedies rarely have any.

In my experience, Dr. recommended stool softeners will dehydrate your bowel and possibly cause complications down the road. Consider trying a simple magnesium supplement that naturally works with your body to prevent constipation. 

In my experience, if you are suffering from repeated heartburn, the frequently prescribed drug Prilosec is linked to causing more heartburn, colon cancer and osteoporosis because it leaves food fermenting in your body. Instead, consider looking at your diet and making some simple changes to eliminate heartburn before popping pills.

In my experience, most people are eating foods that they are mildly allergic to and it’s causing them to feel unwell and inflamed. In my experience, testing for allergies should be done before prescriptions are handed out. Know what the root cause of the problem is so that you can treat it the right way! Taking prescription drugs for a mystery illness is like playing darts in the dark. 

HERBS heal. 

FOOD heals. 🌿 🌱 

In my experience, most headaches and allergies are caused by toxic chemicals being used in your home. Chemicals can cause toxic build-up in your cells and your body. This can lead to allergies and headaches. Before you get allergy shots, live on allergy medication and pop tons of Tylenol, consider eliminating harmful chemicals from your home first.

In my experience, activated charcoal works wonders for headaches, bloating/gas, skin issues, colds, food poisoning and hangovers (activated charcoal bonds waste/toxins for the removal from the body).

In my experience, herbal teas support immune and digestive functions (different herbs help different organs do their jobs to keep the body healthy). Drink some daily to prevent problems before they occur! 

In my experience, taking a probiotic daily is essential to good health (this boost immune function, helps clean and balance the bowel, helps regulate absorption and elimination, keeps colds and allergies at bay)!

In my experience, diet and lifestyle choices are 90+% of all illness. Please look at your diet/lifestyle plans before popping a random pill! 

In my experience, supplements/herbs/tinctures can all prevent illness by boosting immune function and supporting organs with their natural functions!

In my experience, emotions play an important role in keeping you healthy. Emotions are stored in your physical body and can cause you mental anguish. A pill numbs your emotions. Why not consider looking for professional help and tools that can help you let your emotions out in a healthy way.  

In my experience, when you take a whole organ from your body, you’re probably still going to suffer. You just will suffer in a new way (organs are all useful, we need them for many reasons, and most organs can be healed completely without removing anything)

In my experience, there are other professions that can help you live a better life other than your Dr!  Before you try a protocols of pills, consider figuring out what the root cause of your symptoms might be and work to heal it first (obviously in the case of life-or-death, there are times when medication is needed).

In my experience, if you make healthy choices every day, you decrease your chances of getting sick all together! 

It has been my experience that every single one of us is blessed with a body that works to heal itself, always! 

Healing is here, and possible! 

We just aren’t getting the right information from the people we were taught to trust!

#DoTheResearch 💡

Your doctor will tell you one side of the story. The side he/she was taught to tell you. It’s really not their fault – it’s what’s taught in medical school. Today, I invite you to ask questions, do some research and empower yourself to live your best life.