Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life

Most of us are crazy busy, doing too much or hoarding to many things that we don’t use, OR BOTH. With our lives swept up in an overbearing swirl of worry, fear, attachments, endless and mindless “doing,” our mind becomes overwhelmed and unclear about what stays and what goes; what matters and what doesn’t. As humans it is our nature to experience clarity and spaciousness all the time. The problem is that we lose focus, get off balance and forget how.

Sometimes it’s a daily ritual of putting one thing away a day, organizing a small space for 1 minute, taking 2 minutes to meditate or 10 minutes to eat lunch and appreciate the food in front of you can be soothing for the nervous system and can feel really great over time. These simple practices are one of many that can move stuck energy out of your life and your home, head and heart.

Whether you are a super-organized clean person, a hopeless clutter bug, a non-stop multitasker, a curious cat or an experienced professional, my energy cleansing program is for you!

I specialize in helping you take a minute to dial back- or begin- to reduce the noise, release the stuff that doesn’t serve and support you and connect with what matters and makes your heart sing. One minute at a time. In present time. No matter how small or large the task or effort, the fact is that clearing anything consciously and gently and naturally is a great place to start.

What actual clients are saying:

“For me, clearing my home, setting intentions and letting go was life changing! My home office feels beautiful and my creativity is now in full swing! As are my goals and my 1-minute daily affirmation practice. Thank you!” –

“I find this whole process phenomenal. Never in a million years would I have thought THIS was going to work! Like an iceberg, changing the tip that shows physically, while the majority of change is happening below the surface. Awesome!” –

“WOW! I love the sense of peace that your visit brought to my life. Thank you SO MUCH FOR THIS!”-

Most of us have those moments in our lives when we begin searching for answers to our deepest questions, looking to find ways of becoming more centered, balanced and at peace. Some of us just have curious natures while others have begun their search due to major life changes such as illness, divorce, loss of job, death of a family member, addictions, physical illness, eating disorders, etc. Your search may have also been triggered by long-held beliefs, traumas (whether emotional and/or physical) or can even be the result of an accumulation of daily stresses that tend to build up inside.

The overall goal of energy clearing/energy healing is to assist people in releasing old or current traumas, emotions, others’ energies and unhealthy patterns of behavior that are held in the house, body and mind. The release of these energies will assist people to function from a more clear, grounded and peaceful state of mind.

My offerings includes teaching you how to clear the negative energy in your home, a 30-minute in-home reiki healing session, an angel card reading and a personalized plan for becoming clear, intentional and grounded in your life. 

Energy Clearing

The energy in our home is vitally important to our well-being. Just like our bodies, our homes can pick up heavy, negative emotions. You know that your space has a low vibration when you feel heavy and unable to relax the second you walk in the door.
How does a home pick up negative energy?

A home can pick up energies from many things, including arguments and useless clutter. It is important to clear home energies after a breakup, job transition, or any other major life event.

What are the benefits of a home cleanse?
After an energy cleanse, your home will feel refreshed, calming, and loving. Energy clearing can help you fall asleep easier and feel more centered. It’s a great message to the universe that you are ready to welcome abundance and love into your life. Many people also report new opportunities and beautiful moments as soon as they finish the clearing process.

Negative energy takes up space, and letting go of it paves the way for new things to come in.

Interested? Set up an appointment TODAY!

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